Unit 8-lesson 3- Animals through out the world.

In any language, learning about animals is something that you have to do. And English is not the exception. You may already know most of the animals you will see in this lesson, but here are a few animals you might not know. The following are some of the world’s most amazing animals.

The Red Panda


The (Ailurus fulgens)is also known as the Shining Cat. Native to the Eastern Himalayas and Southwestern China. It is the only member of it’s genus Ailuirs. It eats bamboo, but it is an omnivore, and eats anything the woodlands provide. It’s ability to eat bamboo rests with it’s strong, curved, sharp claws. A distant relative to the giant panda, there are no more than 10,000 adults left in the world, though it is protected by several countries.

Giraffe Weevil


Native to Madagascar, the Trachelophorus giraffa gets its name from its jointed extended neck that is similar to a Giraffe. The majority of the body is black with red patterns covering the wings. The extended neck help with nest building and fighting. The Giraffe Weevil is the longest weevil in the world at around 2.5 cm.

Stick Bug (or Stick Insect)


The Phasmatodea (or Phasmida), are known around the world as walking sticks, stick bugs, stick insects, and ghost insects. Their natural camouflage make them very difficult to see. There are over 3000 known species around the world, but are found in tropical areas most of the time.

Giant Isopod


Isopod, means crustacean. This creature is related to shrimp and crabs. First discovered in 1879 by French zoologist Alphonse Milne Edwards, it was the first proof of life at the azoic (deep ocean) level. They are of little interest to commercial fisheries as there numbers are too low to market. Mature adults reach up to 14 inches(35cm) , and weigh almost 4 pounds(1.8kg).

They live in areas over five hundred and fifty feet below the surface in the darkness, they search for the carcasses of dead whales, fish and squid. They are known to survive up to two months without any food.

These are just a few of the amazing animals we have in our planet. If you would like to see the full list of 25, you can visit this site:
